Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Everything old is new again

OUR UNION LABEL SEE THAT THIS LABEL IS ON YOUR WHEEL The union label of the bicycle workers Is bound to cut more or less figure in the bicycle business this season So many cheap wheels are being thrown together by inexperienced workmen boys and girls that some sort of certificate of good workmanship is needed to assure the purchaser that he is receiving what he Is paying for The union label guarantees that the bicycle upon which it appears is the product of experienced first class workmen who are well paid for their labor To have it upon his product a manufacturer employs none but members of organized labor in each and every department of his factory When purchasing a wheel or recommending one to your friends don t forget the union label the trademark of the International Association of Machinists the Metal Polishers Buffers Platers and Brassworkers International Union and the International Union of Bicycle Workers

Did you know there was an American Bicycle industry?

And that it featured unionized workers?


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